We're Quitting YouTube

Hey Au Pairs,

Did you hear yet? We’re quitting YouTube!

In 2017, we started this project to try and bring all the information au pairs in Paris (and around the world) need into one place.

Today, we've finally reached a HUGE milestone in our work and we are SOOO excited to announce: OUR BOOK WILL BE OUT FOR PRE-ORDERS ON FRIDAY!!!

We explain more in this week’s video. But, thank you ALL for your MULTITUDE of support these last 18 months!! We couldn't have done it without you! xoxoxoxo

(Well until 2019 that is…)

Check our website for more updates about the book! We really truly appreciate all of your support over the past year and bid you wonderful holiday away from the host family (hopefully) and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Hanna and Edwina

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