5 Tips For Saying Goodbye To Your Host Family

Hey Au Pairs!

Saying goodbye to our host families after our au pair stay is inevitable. It’s something we all must go through and it’s never easy (unless you have a horrible host family).

Take it from me, I’ve been an au pair for over four families and just said goodbye to my host family a few days ago. What made it an even more difficult goodbye this time is that the new au pair arrived two days before I departed and my host kid was all over her, which made me a little sad.

Here are 5 tips for saying goodbye to your host family!


Take Photos

I took so many photos with my host kid during my au pair stay! I did this because I wanted to be able to have something tangible to remember this experience and I wanted to be able to leave behind a photo for my au pair kid, so he could remember me. I love looking back on these photos because they bring back so many wonderful memories.

Write Them A Card

I’m a big fan of writing cards! It’s a sweet way to express how you feel and makes the one receiving it feel extra special. I’m an emotional person, especially when it comes to goodbyes, so writing a card allows me the opportunity to get all my sentiments out so I’m not a sobbing mess at my departure! I always ensure to leave behind a card to my host family to thank them for all they’ve done for me throughout my stay with them.

Spend Extra Time With Them

As the days towards my end date got closer I found myself spending more time with my host family. I volunteered to take my au pair kid to bed so I could read him bedtime stories, spent more time after dinner with my host parents and joined in on more family activities. Spending this extra time with them made me cherish every last moment we’d have together before I left. I knew I’d be sad to leave so it was important to me to make extra time to spend with them.


As mentioned above, I’m a sentimental mess! Even more so in situations such as these, where you develop a close bond with a family over the course of a few months. When the new au pair arrived two days before I left my au pair kid was ALL over her. I tried to hold in the tears, but found it difficult to do so. Instead of repressing the tears, I escaped to the bathroom and cried. Crying allowed me to get my emotions out instead of suppressing everything inside which just made me feel worse. After my crying session, I felt refreshed and strong! Instead of being sad that my host kid was all over the new au pair, I felt relieved to know that my au pair kid would be in good hands moving forward.

Keep In Touch

I always keep in touch with my host families and look forward to seeing photos of my au pair kids and hearing updates on the family! I also love sending them postcards and messaging them every once in awhile! Before leaving my host family a few days ago, the parents promised to send me photos of my au pair kids once a month so I can see the kids grow up! They also said I’m welcome to visit them whenever I want, which warms my heart. It’s nice to know that just because I’m leaving doesn’t mean all ties are cut.

How do you handle goodbyes? Do you get as emotional as I do? Let me know in the comments down below!