5 Free Things To Do In Madrid

Hey Au Pairs!

As au pairs money can be tight! We don’t always have the money to spend on that extra cappuccino from your favorite café or spare change to buy tickets to events. But, luckily there are always free events, galleries and museums to check out if you look hard enough! This is especially true if you’re au pairing in Madrid! After having lived in Madrid for nearly a year I’ve been lucky enough to do and check out so many events in the city without breaking the bank!

Here are 5 free things to check out in Madrid:


1.Free Walking Tour Of Madrid

Free walking tours are a must do whenever you’re in a new city! So, why not go on a free walking tour of your new host city? They are available in most big cities and give you an in depth look into your new home! This is also a great way to meet people who are new to the city as well! Although labeled as free, the tour guide asks for a small donation at the end of the tour, and asks you to give what you can! So no pressure to give a lot, just give what your au pair salary allows!


Madrid has a plethora of world class museums that are free to people 25 and younger, and free to the rest of the public on certain days of the week. These museums and galleries are a must visit, and great for rainy days outings. Some of my favorite museums in Madrid are El Prado, La Reina Sofía, Goya’s Tomb, Fundación Telefónica, and the National Archeology Museum.

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3.Flea Markets

A great activity to do on a Sunday morning is going out and checking out El Rastro which is Madrid’s beloved and iconic flea market. This market runs from 9AM-3PM every Sunday morning. You’re always bound to find something unique and one of a kind while scoping out this flea market!

Don’t forget to visit some of the more traditional markets in Madrid that sell some of the best products made in Spain. These traditional markets are also a great pit stop for a bite to eat after a long day at gazing at trinkets and treasures.


As mentioned in my 5 parks you need check out Madrid, there are SO many parks to visit in Madrid! During warmer weather consider having a picnic at some of these parks with some friends! My favorite parks are Parque de Europe, Parque Del Oeste and of course the classic El Retiro Park.

5.Check Out An Incredible View of Gran Vía

Gran Vía, is basically the busiest street in Madrid full of theaters, shops, restaurants and street musicians. Hemingway once said that this street was a mix of both Broadway and 5th Avenue. After walking down this street make sure to scope it out from above! One of the best views of this street is from the top floor of the department store El Corte Inglés. There’s even a bar/café at the top of this store where you can grab a drink and soak in the city’s vibe and heart.

Have you ever done any of these free things while visiting Madrid? Let me know in the comments down below!