3 Ways To Make Extra Money As An Au Pair

Hey Au Pairs!

As au pairs sometimes our pocket money is just enough to get through the week or month, especially if only given the minimum pocket money allowance, which can vary from country to country. So, some extra cash here and there to supplement our pocket money is definitely a positive! One of the best parts of au pairing is that we find ourselves with more free time than a regular job entails meaning we can seek out another job on the side to make some extra money to travel and indulge in whatever our little au pair heart desires!

Here are three ways to make some extra cash:

1. Teaching English Online

If you’re a native English speaker you can teach English online through different companies! Many of these companies are extremely flexible, so you can work around your unique au pair schedule. As a summer au pair in Paris, I taught English online through a website called Cambly twice a week during the evenings and during any of my off duty hours. In the end I was able to save up 1,000 dollars that I later used to make my move to teach English in Madrid!

2. Tutoring

If you excelled in school and feel comfortable enough with specific subjects, tutoring can be an excellent and easy way to make some money on the side! There are many websites where you can sign up to look for students to tutor locally. Word of mouth is another way to spread the word that you’re looking for students. As an English teacher in Spain my friends and I frequently use a well known and free online platform called tus clases particulares where I was able to seek out students to tutor.


3. Babysitting

Babysitting is probably the most popular way to make some extra money! As an au pair in Paris as soon as I arrived I was approached by many local moms who were friends of my host mom if I was interested in babysitting, so word of mouth is another way to find babysitting gigs! You can also look for babysitting opportunities through the site Nounou Top for France and Top Nanny in Spain.

What other side jobs have you had as an au pair? Let me know in the comments down below!